A lot of people think of me as insane or just plain stupid. I've observed how popular individuals have to struggle with choosing their friends, and choosing the right ones. A good example is that of the mapmaker 0blivion, who also happens to be the creator of the new clan United Role Players. Think of that. There's people who absolutely love that guy, people who think he's okay, and people who absolutely hate him. It's the cycle of popularity. As most people would mock me, I consider this as again a perfect example of anti-popularity. Think of Vrael, or PhantomSkyfire; they're good people as a whole, but there'll be always that little bastard who calls them gay, asses, insane, complete showoffs.

And that, starts with Naitto.

So, Naitto was a good person, a bit angry at times, but the best person to laugh with there was in my eyes at the time. Now, at that time his new clan, [RPG], was an surrealistic success. He became popular. The people in the clan liked him, at first. Then I came in. About a few months after the clan was made, I joined in; if I'm right, in August. That was a rich time. If I remember correctly, another clan, [RP], merged with us. [RP] was also a clan with similar history. But then, I was banned from Battle.net for two months. When I came back, Naitto and his co-leader Altin had to tell me that the merged clan was dead and that they were the only ones left. [RP] died shortly after, but that's another story for now.

Well then. To top it off, we started recruiting more and more people, [RPG] growing popular once more. I met with countless people, Deidara[RPG], Kiriel[RPG], Jaina[RPG], Sephiroth[RPG]. Then came ProbasticMonkeys. He was an idealistic figure to my eyes, back then, of course, and we often played games that might seem even a bit idiotic and somehow jackassed. I had developed a friendly bond with those people, stronger than the one binding me to Naitto. I began to hate him then, as I was becoming more and more like ProbasticMonkeys. How useless that was. Because of that, I had raised the people who, on the contrary, respect Naitto, and thus caused a commotion larger than just an argumentative discussion turned ugly. We yelled at each other for nearly a month, until we split into the clan (SoS).

(SoS) was fine until we met with Naitto again. I couldn't believe that I had acted against my usual nature, that is to stay indifferent with figures similar to him. This time, however, we ended this peacefully. We stayed for 6 whole months as (SoS), it being the revolution clan, and finally abandoned our old tags. I became Tool.of.Soup, Kiriel, Jaina and ProbasticMonkeys disappeared. I then became more mature, more understanding of situations, although I'd often make clumsy mistakes once again.

I had met a lot of people on the way, they both helped me an supported me to the point where I was a player popular enough to be recognized by my spoof itself. That is indeed an exaggeration, but I had become more like a popular figure than just Kristy. I had power, and that I was sure I had.

That history, is something that you don't often see. Out of the many millions of players on StarCraft only, there's probably only a handful of then who did something that's similar to mine. In this case, I'd be pretty happy to see other stories of other people. This text might've seemed boring to many, I might be a hateful person to some, some might hate me and never forget me. But listen, those who are reading this: forgive people for their past mistakes.

They can improve, and forgiveness is the first step to enlightenment.